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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

No Special Treatment for Celebrities in NY Jails

30 November 2008 - New York, NY - New York Giant's wide receiver Plaxico Burress, seen here in this file photo from February 5, 2008, accidentally shot himself with a gun while entering a New York City nightclub. The star receiver is expected to face charges on possession of a gun that is not registered in New York State. Photo Credit: Paul Zimmerman/AdMedia Photo via Newscom Photo via Newscom
Remember this idiot? The New York Giants star receiver, Plaxico Burress, who shot himself in the leg in a nightclub in NYC in November of 2008?

Well, he is still in prison serving his two year sentence. And just yesterday, the NY prison system denied Burress' second request for a work release. (Only 2% of work release requests are granted.) Burress is unable to reapply until June 2011 when his sentence may be up for good behavior.

Although I would love to see Burress on the field for the NY Giants this season (we all know that the team needs him), it is nice to see the prison system treat a celebrity like the rest of the public. Aren't we all sick of hearing about the Lindsay Lohans and Paris Hiltons of the world who get special treatment in our prisons and never serve their full sentences? Yet, in Burress' case, it is tough to argue that he has not learned his lesson at this point, because just suffering through the embarrassment of shooting yourself is likely tough enough.

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