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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Explosive Hitting in Game 1

Despite the match up of two all-star pitchers in Game 1 of the World Series (Cliff Lee of the Texas Rangers took on Tim Lincecum of the SF Giants), the teams scored a total of 18 runs! The Giants pulled out the win with 11 runs and forced Rangers manager to pull Cliff Lee in the 5th inning. Between the two teams, 12 pitchers were used throughout the game!
Even with the great hitting by the Giants, former Giant all-star batter, Barry Bonds , stated that one day he would like to be a hitting coach for his old team. Bonds said that he "[has] a gift and sooner or later I have to give it away. . .I have to share it. Hopefully, I will get the opportunity here." Well, it doesn't look like the Giants need you Barry - especially since you are soon to face perjury charges in federal court for denying your use of steroids. Why don't you focus on not going to jail before you try to get a fresh start in baseball.

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