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Thursday, December 9, 2010

He's On Fire!

Just an update on who is hot right now on the court and who is melting the ice:
  • In the NHL it is all about the Pittsburgh Penguins and their star Sidney Crosby - yea that guy from the Reebok commercials. Crosby in on a 17 game scoring streak with 20 goals and 15 assists, leading the Penguins to an 11 game winning streak. Better start taking note of Crosby, he may just be the NHL's guy to bring hockey more into the mainstream. Good looks and able to score - what else do we need?
  • The Miami Heat seem to have controlled their fire. Since calling a team meeting a few weeks ago the team has gone on a winning streak. Lebron James had 33 points and Dwayne Wade 28 more in the Heat's win over the Utah Jazz last night. Looks like a game plan is being executed as a team instead of hot shots playing on their own.
  • And in NYC, Raymond Felton, came alive alongside potential NBA MVP Amare Stoudamire. Stoudamire had another 30 point game against the Toronto Raptors last night, yet it was Felton who stole the show. Felton had 28 points, 11 assists, and the game winning three-pointer in the win. His last shot bounced on the rim five times prior to going in! Sometimes you need a little luck - or maybe Amare would have just slammed it in if it bounced out. Bottom line: teamwork wins games, and ultimately brings playoffs hope back to the big apple.

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