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Thursday, December 2, 2010

What to Watch Tonight: Lebron Goes Back to Cleveland

Since Lebron James' "Decision" to abandon the Cleveland Cavaliers and move to the Miami Heat, today has been an anticipated day on the calendar, because it is the first time James will return to Cleveland. You would think that Lebron, and the owner of the Cavaliers, Dan Gilbert, would be over this hoopla by now, but clearly not.

It has just been revealed that Gilbert has engaged a law firm to investigate James' move to Miami. Gilbert has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to launch a tampering claim - basically saying that Miami illegally contacted James while still in Cleveland. Gilbert must be so bitter about losing James (and the millions that went with him) that he has lost all rationality. He is spending an absurd amount of money on this investigation, with the best case scenario only awarding him a draft pick! Even his executives have advised him against pursuing this investigation.

The pride of men is so strong, that sometimes they lose sight of how their actions ultimate effect their image. Lebron tried to be Mr. Good Guy with his "Decision" at the Boys and Girls Club and his new Nike campaign, but ultimately became the most hated sports figure by failing to accept any wrongdoing. And now Gilbert, unable to accept losing James, is irrationally fighting and spending to place blame elsewhere. Clearly, boys will always be boys - when will they grow up and accept their place and move on?

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