Bored watching sports games? Annoyed that your boyfriend constantly discusses sports news and stats? Then Sportsgirl is for YOU!

Sportsgirl will connect you to the breaking news in sports through a unique perspective aimed at making sports news exciting for the inquisitive girl. The blog will relay the most interesting sports stories in a way in which the typical girl can relate to. Look for the connection to the most breaking entertainment news, use the information to impress your boyfriend, husband, son, or father, or to stand out in a business meeting.

All you have to do is visit the site, read the post, and then pretend that you are the expert! Sportsgirl promises that even you will soon become hooked to the girl's version of breaking sports news.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Football is Back!

I hope you are not waking up depressed this morning from the aftermath of seeing the Dallas Cowboys playing the Cincinnati Bengals last night on NBC's Sunday Night Football. I know you were planning on sitting on the couch eating fro-yo, and watching a good chick flick or funny sitcom, but your plan was ruined. Maybe you even tried to change the channel, but there was that special someone next to you who was just so overcome with joy to see football back on the screen that you didn't have the heart to do it.

Well, there is no avoiding it - football season is here! Yet, I promise you that it will be different for you this year. There will be no more mindless hours spent before the TV trying to make sense of the big men hitting each other. Sportsgirl is here this year to help keep you entertained. So tune in to my blog as the season approaches and there will be plenty to gain from tuning in to the NFL games of the week.

If I still couldn't cheer you up - remember this: it is still preseason. So you still have a few more weeks until the NFL really takes over your TV.

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