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Monday, July 19, 2010

"Entourage" Bringing the NFL to Los Angeles

Although you are probably tuning in to this season of "Entourage" to watch Vince be a daredevil or see Sloan marry E, I am hooked to the show for the storyline centered on bringing the NFL to Los Angeles. The show has recently guest starred Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, and Adrian Peterson, a running back for the Minnesota Vikings. The storyline focuses on Ari Gold becoming an owner of a new NFL team in LA - the LA Golds.

The NFL has had a sticky history in Los Angeles, with the now St. Louis Rams and Oakland Raiders organizations both having spent time as Los Angeles teams. Yet, the NFL has been absent from LA, the second largest media market in the United States, since 1994. Despite the lack of physical presence in the city, there has been a constant buzz of attempts to bring an NFL team back to the area. Most of these attempts have failed, mainly due to the complications involved in building a stadium for the team. However, the NFL buzz in LA has heightened in the last couple years, with several new stadium proposals. Even the skeptical insiders are now stating that the NFL will be back in LA sooner rather than later.

So "Entourage" could not have picked a better time to implement this storyline. Although fictional, I like to believe that stories have their way of playing out in real life. Therefore, those producers at "Entourage" better keep it up - let Ari get the team in LA so the Angelenos out there have something to hope for.

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